Sunday, June 19, 2011

Trinity Sunday

This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, a celebration that draws us to examine, reflect, pray, and learn about our Triune God, 1 God 3 persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. On this day we can talk about different theological concepts or continue to go on and on about how we can't fully understand the Trinity but seriously folks, how often are we going to play that record?! Heck, how often do we not understand each other??? It doesn't mean we can't know someone nor does it mean we cannot know the Trinity either! So let's build a bridge and get over it already!

This Trinity Sunday, perhaps it is the case that we are called to approach the Trinity altogether differently. To go a step further, could it very well be that the celebration of the Trinity is more about us, than anything else? That is: we, and the world shall know the Trinity and it's existence not by facts and principles but rather, how we live it.

For example: In today's Gospel we hear the famous John 3:16 that we is so prominently displayed on posters at sports events, etc. For God so loved that world that He sent His only Son... In this we are reminded that when Christ came to earth, a real human face was put on the God we cannot see here on earth. Real flesh, real bone, real blood, really human. This should remind us that we are created in God's image and likeness and that if we are to be true to the image and likeness we have been created in, then we are to be the presence of God, the Trinity in this world.

We are called to love as the Father loves - unconditionally, full of mercy, abounding in forgiveness. We are called to love as the Son loves - walking with us, sacrificially, showing what true love is. We are called to love as the Holy Spirit loves - using our time, gifts and talents for the good of all, aware of the breath of life, the presence of God within.

Or put another way: Like St. Paul speaks of in his 2nd letter to the Corinthians do we ask ourselves: Am I the one who seeks to mend ways, forgive, not get stuck in the negative, learn and move on, or do I just wallow in the vortex of negativity? Do seek to meet people where they are or do I judge and criticize without understanding? Do I seek peace or my way alone?

This week may we grow in awareness of the image we have been created in and what that means for how we are to live. In prayer a way of doing this may simply be taking a mirror and taking a good hard look at ourselves and ask, what image of God am I bringing forth in the world? What do I see, what do others see in me... and by the same token what don't I or others see that should be?

May we note what we do well and be honest in challenging ourselves to grow. As we celebrate the Trinity may we live the image we have been created in and called to be. Amen.



jangojingo said...

I think your approach to think of Trinity Sunday in terms of how I am called by God is spot on. Thank you.

I suffered the shamrock sermon today :)

Father Ed said...

shamrock sermon... classic!