Saturday, May 24, 2008

Greetings! My direction & intention for this blog:


Inspired by a very good brother I have decided to give this whole blog thing a shot, I've never really blogged before so, this is my first crack at it so we'll see how it goes - posts may come daily or periodically, who knows?!

One thing is clear: the direction of this blog is to offer reflections on my vocation as a priest, ministry, Scripture, topics related to Catholicism, and other relevant things. The reflections are based on my experiences while at the same time, I will protecting the privacy of those involved and remain consistent with the teaching of the Catholic Church. The entries may also include theological and/or scriptural reflection as well as offering a Catholic perspective on various current events. ABOVE AND BEYOND ALL: The sole intention of this blog is to be tool for evangelization so that I may offer others, especially those considering priesthood or religious life, insight into my experiences in hopes that they may have the confidence to answer 'the call' and so others called to other vocations may gain insight into priesthood. This blog DOES NOT in any way, shape, or form, speak for or express the opinions of the Diocese of Cleveland (of which I am a member), or it's leadership.

Now that the ground rules are set, so to speak, I must say these are certainly exciting times! I along with my classmates were just ordained priests in the Diocese of Cleveland on May 10, 2008!!! I am currently gearing up to start my first assignment as a parochial vicar at St. Charles Borromeo parish in Parma, OH! I can't wait to get there!!!

Peace be with you!

Father Ed


Fr. V said...


Good luck my friend!

Do you want it posted???

Fr. V

Adoro said...

Greetings and welcome to the world of blogging! I came here via Fr. V.'s blog (Hi, Fr. V.!).

You know...I had a friend a few years ago who encouraged me to start a blog for MONTHS. And I kept saying, "What could I possibly have to say?"

Well...turns out...a lot. Whether people are reading or not, I haven't yet exhausted the amount of words available! So you just never know where this little start will take you.

Congratulations on your ordination and God bless you! :-)

Liz said...

Father, congratulations on your ordination (how exciting!!) and God bless you for answering God's call to the priesthood.

Brother Declan said...

Good luck, Father.